Currently Studying “Power of A Women’s Words”
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM
Room 200
Share your love for God and Christ focused conversation.
The goal of this class is to demystify the Bible and provide a place where connection and growth can abound!
2nd Tuesdays, 2:00 PM
Room: Fellowship Hall
Love books? Join a group of incredible, deep-thinking ladies who love to read, study and discuss Bible-based books. Monthly selections range from classics to current. We apply God’s truths to our lives and exhort and encourage one another.
Tuesdays, 11:00 AM
Room 203
Join us as we look into scripture on a journey of discovery to better understand who God is and seek His presence in our lives.
Currently Studying: “Abide”
Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM
Room: 203
Grow in your personal relationship with Christ through intensive study of God’s Word and fellowship with other believers. The same info is taught at both times so choose the best for your schedule.
Studying Revelation
Wednesdays, 12:00 PM
Room 200 & 203
Bible Study Fellowship is an in-depth Bible class for people of all ages and backgrounds, which uses a four-step approach to bring clarity to your study of the Bible. You’re sure to grow in the Word and gain a wonderful community of women who want to develop a deeper relationship with Christ. RSVP Required, sign up anytime.
[Discussion only, Online Lecture]
Begins January 16 | Studying Heaven
Thursdays, 6:30 PM
Room 203
Ladies, join us for an 8-session, video-based study, on the book Heaven (When Faith Becomes Sight) by author Jennifer Rothschild. In this study we will explore the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits.
Time: Mondays, Bi-monthly 9:30-2:00 PM
Off campus
If you love to sew (or have a desire to learn), you’ll love sewing with friends for a purpose. We sew clothing, quilts/blankets and other handmade articles for tiny premature and sick infants. Supplies and patterns are also available if you’d rather sew at your own schedule and pace.
Time: Wednesdays 1:00-3:30 PM
Room: 201
Join this close “knit” group of crocheters and knitters in creating items for many worthwhile causes (scarves and hats for cancer patients, the homeless, NICU baby items, PregnancyCare Center). Willing to teach beginners! Bring your own yarn.