Personal Growth Groups

  • January 14 - April 8, 2024

    Tuesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 203

    Grief Share is a nationally recognized ministry led by friendly, caring people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

  • STARTING JAN. 21, 2025

    Tuesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 201

    Who does the Bible say I am? Have you ever asked yourself that question? The book "Identity Theft - Reclaiming the truth of who you are in Christ," edited by Melissa B. Kruger, provides a unique perspective on this subiect. From the wisdom and insights of 10 different authors, this book attempts to provide Biblical answers to the question of who we are in Christ. Join us for a 10-week study utilizing the "Identity Theft" book. The study will be on Tuesday evenings at 6:30-8:00pm. The book is available for $5 in the office or from Bill Sandburg at: Childcare available for preschool children (4 years of age and below).



From time-to-time we all face challenges in our lives where having someone to speak would be helpful. We are a team of volunteers familiar with Biblical principles that address real life circumstances and want to partner with you to get through tough issues.

If you need a wise Christian person to sit down and talk to, please know that the Biblical Lay Counseling Team is here to listen and help.

*The volunteer lay counselors are not paid and are totally committed to furthering the Kingdom of God one person at a time. However, the team recognizes that they may need to make referrals to professional counseling and after consultation will make appropriate referrals as needed.


Sign up using the form below & schedule an appointment.

Church Office: (210) 402-3672


Do you need someone to talk to about your needs, next steps, or counseling?
Fill out this form and we will set up a meeting.