Saturdays @ 5:00, Sundays @ 10:00 & 11:30
Welcome Desk
We’d love to get to know and welcome you! Come to the Fellowship Hall where we can help you find your place at The Fellowship. If you would like someone to meet you at the front door before your first visit, please fill out this contact form at the button below.
Campus Map
View or download a map of the campus so that you have an idea of where you’ll want to go.
What to Expect
Look for a friendly golf cart driver to pick you up and bring you to one of the main entrances. As you walk through the door the first thing you will see are friendly faces who care about you and will help with anything we can. There is an extensive coffee bar with lots of goodies. Nursery and classes are available for all ages throughout Sunday morning, so you can try a class and attend worship, or attend worship and then try a class.
Worship in your style
We know that everyone has a unique way of worshiping God and we love it. Whether you like contemporary or blended traditional worship styles, there is a place for you at the Fellowship.
Feel free to try out each worship gathering for a better perspective on what suits your tastes. In all styles of music, we can all join in song and worship our Creator.
Coffee, Tea & Fellowship
No matter what class or gathering you decide to attend, join us in The Fellowship Hall for some coffee, conversation and connection.
We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us at The Fellowship, we cannot wait to meet your family!
If you are planning on attending for the first time, and have a 5th grader or younger, please allow for a few extra minutes so we can get your family registered in our system. Check-in is located right outside the Gym.
Rooms 100-102
We delight in sharing the love of Jesus with your little ones. Each week, babies through Pre-K will learn simple and valuable Bible lessons, sing songs, enjoy activities, snacks and crafts.
Kids Ministry
Our desire is to teach the next generation about God's word and how they can have a personal relationship with God. We want our kiddos to have a deeper understanding of who God is and how they can serve others.
Students Ministry
Room: 201
Our goal is to equip and ignite today’s generation of students. In these pivotal years, we believe in building community, character and leaders to maximize each day and decision for the glory of God.
We believe that real life should be experienced in community—and we pray that you’ll find yours in the form of an Adult Bible Fellowship. Depending on the teaching style, group size and age demographic, there’s an array of options. Feel free to visit a group or two (or all of them) in your search for community and connection.