We believe that real life should be experienced in community—and we pray that you’ll find yours in the form of an Adult Bible Fellowship. Depending on the teaching style, group size and age demographic, there’s an array of options. Feel free to visit a group or two (or all of them) in your search for community and connection.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together...but encouraging one another.” Hebrews 10:24-25a


  • 6:15 PM | Starts February 22 | Book of Revelation

    Room: 202

    Whether you’re cracking open the Bible for the first time or your Bible is tattered from much use, you’ll find an amazing group of active participants and tenacious learners. It’s a transformative time of learning and application as we move from daily discovery to delightfully “devouring" Biblical truths and teachings. Each week, we follow a straight-forward approach to verse-by-verse study along with intentional discussion times, and shared tips and tricks for deeper learning. For more information text Dianna Tillery Workbook can be purchased on Amazon.


  • 8:45 AM | Unknown Heroes of the Bible

    Ages 50+
    Room: 203

    Eclectic is a good word to describe our diverse group—we work, we have kids, we have grandkids, we travel and we have hobbies. Most importantly, we are all life-long learners and want to have a vibrant walk with Christ! Between 20 and 30 people come to fellowship and draw a life lesson from the Scriptures. Ultimately, we seek to exhort one another toward a deeper understanding of Biblical truth with love and grace. It’s a fresh, exegetical approach to practically applying God’s Word to all aspects of the Christian life.

  • 8:45 | Gems in Genesis

    Ages 50+
    Room: 200

    Start off your Sunday morning with a lively discussion of the seedlings of Biblical truth found in the first book of the Bible. Perhaps your childhood understanding and recollections of Creation and the aftermath may need a little dusting off and this class is designed to help you do that. It could be your “Back to the Bible in 2023” resolution! Bring your Bible and be encouraged learning from one another.


  • 10:00 AM | Gospel of John

    Ages: Adults
    Room: 203 

    We are an active and engaged community supporting one another along the way, serving in our church and experiencing life together. Once a week, we forcibly push the pause button on life and settle in for a power-packed hour of spiritual growth, refreshment and renewal. This is a class worth getting up for!

  • 10:00 | Studying 1st Samuel

    Adults [50+]
    Room 200

    If you would like to enjoy a cup of coffee around the Word and share life's experiences with a group of believers, join Donna and Garry Richey at 10:00 AM Sundays in Room 200. Our Discussions will focus on the Book of James this quarter.

  • 10:00 AM | Young Adults

    Studying: Ephesians
    Ages: Young Adults 25-40
    Room: 202

    We are excited to start a new class for Young Adults roughly 25-40 years old on Sunday mornings at 10 am, room 202. If you are looking for a group to connect with, we hope to engage, challenge, and get to know you. This class will be led by Rico Tafoya along with Rick Adkins. For more information, contact Rico Tafoya at:


  • 11:15 AM | Interesting People in the New Testament

    Ages 50+
    Room 200 

    This class is designed for those over 60. The teacher, Gayle Prettyman and is a retired Bible professor who delights in helping others discover truths that transform life.

  • 11:15 AM | The Parables of Jesus

    Ages 40+
    Room: 202 & Online

    This class exists to educate and guide believers to be true to the Scriptures and able to differentiate traditional interpretations from truth. Alan Cutting’s easy-to-understand yet in-depth teaching focuses on living in a relationship with Jesus and with other believers. This is the perfect place to ask questions, engage with the truth and apply the teachings directly to your life. We would love to have you with us!

  • 11:15 AM | Studying the Gospel of John

    Ages 50+
    Room: 201 

    Join a class with faith-filled people that thirst for a knowledge and love for God. It is our delight to discover more of God’s life-changing truth and encourage one another to wholeheartedly serve Him! Through Biblically-based discussion, we leave class each week refreshed and motivated to “be the Church.” 

  • 11:15 AM | Fellowship Friends

    Special Needs
    Fellowship Hall | Fireplace Area

    Each week, we provide an opportunity for individuals to learn and grow amongst their peers in a safe and welcoming environment. We celebrate abilities, unlock potentials, and create disciples of Christ. It’s a blast!

  • 11:15 AM | Studying Ezekiel

    Ages 60+
    Room: 203

    Our caring class predominantly consists of retired individuals and couples who love Jesus and live like it too! Beginning with coffee and conversation, we settle in for an intentional time of lecture-style learning. Mel’s expository teaching and interactive questions, systematically unlocks new discoveries hidden within common passages of Scripture. We read and review each passage, examine various meanings and then claim God’s Word as truth for everyday life! If you visit, you will find us declaring God’s power through answered prayer and acknowledging God’s Word as the basis for a blessed and balanced life! Throughout the year, we host social gatherings for our large and growing class community! 


  • SUNDAYS | 6:00 PM

    Studying Galatians
    Hosts: Garry and Donna Richey
    Stone Oak Area

    Are you a young professional between the ages of 22-39 looking for community and wise mentoring in the essentials of life? Each week we meet at the Richey’s home for dinner, fellowship, and an in depth Bible study that is sure to equip and challenge us to grow.

  • SUNDAYS | 4:00 PM

    Book of Hebrews
    Host: Dianna Tillery

    Join an amazing group of active participants and tenacious learners. It’s a transformative time of learning and application as we move from daily discovery to delightfully “devouring” Biblical truths and teachings. Each week, we follow a straight-forward approach to verse-by-verse study along with intentional discussion times, and shared tips and tricks for deeper learning.

  • Wednesdays | 7:30 PM

    Led by Pastor O’Brien Satcher, this Bible/book study group is for college students ages 18-25. We are studying “Mere Christianity” which is a great study on how our Faith in Christ works out in our lives as college students. We meet in the Stone Oak area.