SUNDAY SERVICES | 10:00 AM & 11:30 PM

We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us at The Fellowship, we cannot wait to meet your family! If you are planning on attending for the first time, please allow for a few extra minutes so we can get you registered in our system. Check-in is located right outside the Gym

Babies - Pre K

Rooms 100 & 103

We have age-specific rooms for the littlest of children. Separated to have a space for babies and crawlers where they can explore in a safe environment and be loved on and their specific needs met. Next, we have our Toddler and Two-year-old room, where we start to introduce Bible stories through the Beginners Bible where they can see and experience God’s word. We take it a step further with our Three- and Four-year-olds as we dive deeper into the Brite curriculum, with age-appropriate lessons activities, crafts as we watch them learn and grow! We have also created a space for our toddlers through four-year-olds to participate in worship as a group! We ask that your kiddo(s) bring labeled supplies: cup, bottle, diaper, snack if desired, but we are happy to provide one for our toddlers and older.    

K-5th Grade


We would love for you to join us in Fellowship Kids for our Sunday services. Kiddos can stay for 1 or both services! We have a different style of service for each, so your child does not have the same experience twice. We use Brite Curriculum, that is a partner of Awana and it provides us with so many fun activities to reinforce the lesson. 

Brite has three main focuses in every week’s lesson:

• I believe in Jesus.

• I’m becoming more like Him.

• I belong to Him forever 

Select the below times to learn more about our
K-5th weekend Ministry

  • We have a service on Saturday night at 5:00 if that works best for your family, but there is no Kids Ministry during that time. There is, however, a cart located in the fellowship hall by the entrance to the worship center, where you can find an activity sheet that follows along with what we are learning in class that weekend. Whether you come to the Saturday service, or your kiddo wants to attend with you for their first time, it is always available with coloring pencils and a snack to grab on your way in.

  • During the first service, our focus is on small group. We have age specific lessons for Kinder-First • Second-Third • Fourth-Fifth. Breaking into these smaller groups allows for deeper conversation and discussion with kiddos their own age and with leaders that have studied and prepared for the lesson. 

  • The second service is a large group experience. Kiddos that are Kinder – 5th grade are all in one space as we go through our Brite lesson. The Bible lesson is the same as the first service but taught in a different way- allowing kids of different learning styles to all understand the lesson in their own way.  We of course end every service with a snack time – what’s kids ministry without the food? 

Fellowship Kids serving at Children's Hunger Fund

Awana for Kids

We are meeting weekly to encourage kiddos to dive into the Bible and hide God's word in their hearts. We start with a simplified version of AWANA that get your kiddos into small groups where we talk about Bible lessons and have an intimate time of questions and prayer. Each week, your kids will have a workbook and activity sheets. At home, they memorize the verse of the week so they can present it at the next class. Register below. For questions or information, contact Brenna at: 

Ages: Kinder - 5th Grade. • Location: Gym • Time: 6:00-7:30 pm

Interested in serving with our Fellowship Kids,
click below to fill out an application

VBS was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who donated their time, talents, and prayers to make this the event of the year for our kiddos!!! We averaged 135 kids every night with about 80 Volunteers! We cannot wait to start planning next year already!


KiDS Day Out-2.png

Mondays - Thursdays

9AM - 2PM
18 months - 4 Years old
This program is designed to minister to the needs of young children and their parents. Our purpose is to partner with parents to teach, love and guide these little ones while allowing parents to renew themselves.