Mondays at 6:30pm
Begins September 11
Why do so many of us hide form the things we long for most - from connection, form intimacy, from love? We conceal our hurting part for God, others and ourselves.
Through this class you'll discover:
The difference between "good" and "bad" hiding.
Why you hide the broken pats of your soul form the God who can heal them.
How to be free to make mistakes without fear of exposing your failures and imperfections.
How to obtain the joy and wholeness God intends you to have through healthy bonding with others.
Hiding From Love will take you on a journey of discovery toward healing, connected relationships, and a new freedom and joy in living.
Materials: You will need the “Hiding from Love” Book.
The Workbook is optional and available upon request for $13 from the church office.
Childcare is not provided.